Dress code was always about class

Vinod Kumaar R
2 min readJan 28, 2019


I had to attend an event which had a dress code of wearing either a blazer or an informal suit. I was confused what an informal suit was and then stumbled on a suit which I thought was a formal one and then got stumped when I saw the number of formal clothing choices and its details.

Informal Suit

Getting a well fitting informal suit is costly, it would easily cost as much as it can cost for 3–5 pairs of weekday wear and that I may wear once in a year. Yet, some places demand that you dress up for the event. On a short search I also stumbled on events that require you to dress up in Tuxedo and other expensive clothing if you want to take part. Why in a hot country like India do you need layers of clothes? Even in places like England it was never about the weather, the dress code was always about class and including only people who could throw their money on things that they would rarely wear.

Increase the exclusivity of the event just based on the dress code

By making an increasingly expensive dress code at the events you can easily pre-select the class of people that can attend the event. Not a lot of people will have disposable money to throwaway on very less useful piece of clothing (less useful because it is less prominent at work places now). So now my belief is strengthened that it is never about the weather and always about the class of the people and exclusivity of the event.



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