What got you here won’t get you there
Learnings from the book
This book listed out 20 points to watch out for and take action, though it is easy to internalize and practice it, not so easy to remember and explain to someone what all points are about. I have tried here to summarize in one liners.
Don’t speak when angry; when speaking avoid sarcasm, negativity, blame and judgements.
Learn when to win, where to speak, how to express an opinion, not to be selfish or narcissist, to respect others.
Share information, don’t play games, avoid favouritism, express regret, have a sense of gratitude and be a good listener.
The above points are explained well with proper examples that help us relate to the situations. Though we may think the above points are no brainers and we practice it everyday, some of the examples given help us understand that though we may mean something but people may get a wrong message. A simple sentence like ‘We are wasting time here’ will mean that we are not ready to listen. The remaining portion of the book talks about how to change for good.